AICPS Review - 2 / 2004
1. Solutii pentru reabilitarea fundatiilor primelor structuri din panouri mari cu P+4E realizate in Romania, verificate experimental (I)
Solutions for Foundation Retrofitting af the First 5 - Story Large Panel Buildings Erected in Romania – Experimental Analysis (I)
Ing. Daniel Diaconu, Dr.Ing.Adrian Constantin Diaconu, Dr.Ing.Tudorel Popa
2. Solutii, verificate experimental, pentru reabilitarea structurala a primelor constructii din panouri mari cu P+4E, realizate in România (II)
Experimentally Checked Solutions for Structural Retrofitting of the First 5 – Story Large Panel Buildings Erected in Romania (II)
Ing. Daniel Diaconu, Dr.Ing.Adrian Constantin Diaconu, Dr.Ing.Tudorel Popa
3. Deteriorarea prin inghet-dezghet a betoanelor – fenomene specifice si principalii factori care contribuie la imbunatatirea comportării pe timp friguros
Freezing Thaw Deterioration of Concrete. Specific Phenomena and Main Factors Contributing to Improvement of behaviour in cold weather.
Dr.Ing. Octavian George Ilinoiu
4. Permeabilitatea betonului – fenomene specifice si optimizarea proiectarii tehnologice a compozitiei betonului
Permeability of Concrete. Specific Phenomena and optimisation of tehnological design of concrete mix
Dr.Ing. Octavian George Ilinoiu
5. Rolul inginerului constructor in societate
Role of Structural Engineer in society.
Ing. Petre Ioniță
6. Premiile Asociatiei Inginerilor Constructori Proiectanti Structuri 2004
A.I.C.P.S. Awards - 2004
Prof.Dr.Ing. Radu Petrovici
7. Acordarea diplomelor de excelenta si a medaliilor pentru Opera Omnia de catre A.I.C.P.S.
Diplomas of Excellence and Opera Omnia Medals offered by A.I.C.P.S.
Dr.Ing. Rodica Angelescu
8. Utilizarea de sisteme pasive suplimentare de disipare a energiei seismice
Utilisation of Complementary Passive Systems for seismic Energy Dissipation
Ing. Pompiliu Dragomirescu
9. Aparitii editoriale in domeniul constructiilor
Editorial News in Structural Engineering
Dr.Ing. Rodica Angelescu, Ing. Radu Canarache